Photo: Tiit Tamme

If you want to train or inspire your people, invite me to speak. Feel free to contact me ( and let's talk about the conditions under which this could happen. Ultra sports has taught me a lot, be it self-discipline, self-motivation, dealing with setbacks, overcoming difficulties, setting goals and achieving them, teamwork, etc. I will develop the focus of the performance topic according to your wishes and in such a way that it fits the context of your event and that it is based on the needs of the audience. The working languages ​​are Estonian and English.

May 2024

  • Conference "Pärnu Juhtimiskonverents"

Aprill 2024

  • Reginett

January 2024

  • Conference "Ettevõtlik mees"
Photo: Tiit Tamme

    December 2023

    • Estonian Triathlon Federation

    March 2023

    • Ferroline Grupp

    October 2022

    • ABB

    February 2020
    • Playtech

    November 2019

    • Framm

    May 2019


    February 2019

    • Gaselli Kongress

    November 2018
    • Wallenium
    • Terve Elu Terve "Valmistumine uueks jooksuhooajaks - treeningud ja toitumine"
    • Eesti Firmaspordi Liit

    October 2018

    • Rademar

    March 2018

    • Password konverents "Staarid turunduses" Foto: Marko Mumm

    November 2017

    • Ferroline Grupp

    May 2017

    • Rademar

    April 2017

    • Töötervishoiu päev Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla töötajatele “Ultraspordis vaimujõul edasi"

    April 2017

    • Südameapteek live-seminar spordisõpradele “Kuidas ma terviseandmete jälgimisega sportlikke saavutusi parandan ja toitumist korrigeerin“

    January 2017

    • TEDxYouth@Tallinn - “Kuidas teha võimatu võimalikuks?

    November 2016

    • Loengusari "Treeni teadlikult"

    October 2016

    • Lemeks Grupp personali inspiratsiooniõhtu “Ultrasport”

    April 2016

    • Korporatsioon Indla teeõhtu

    June 2015

    • MTÜ Elujooks laager “Leia oma jooksuvägi”